I know I haven´t updated anything since Britney Spears was bold, but don´t think I stopped having fun!
The last two month has been all about finding back to why anything on a dirt bike makes it worth to get out of bed. Cause for a while there, I couldn't really find it. But finally it feels like the only thing that I want to do. Me, Alex Elgh, Villa, and Justin Hoyer been shredding like never before in Villa´s park.

It´s been really fun to have Hoyer over, not only is he a good rider, a true bro´ he can also entertain us non stop with his dry humor. Come´s quite handy since I haven´t bought a new TV after the thieves wished me a happy start of 2009 with stealing my van, truck and cleaned the house, while we partied pre-crisis style.
Right now I´m sitting on the plane down to Cairo to do the first stop of the Red Bull X-Fighters Promotion Tour just in front of the Pyramids of Giza this coming friday. Sounds like the coolest thing we ever done? Yupp!
Morgan Carlson
www.morgancarlson.com | morgancarlson.blogg.se